This place may be a vast lake that appears to be featureless.
Ripples on lake in fog. Pentax MX, Portra 800, August 2021.
But what appears to be featureless space may reveal patterns upon close inspection.
Beam of light, tracks through the snow. Olympus Em-1, July 2016.
Space is emptiness, but contains everything within it.
Windy treetops, dolerite cliffs. Pentax MX, Ektar 100, July 2022.
We have no connection to space; as far as we know, it doesn’t exist.
Frozen snowgums, dolerite scree. Pentax MX, Ektar 100, July 2022.
It is through connection, that space turns into place, from holding no meaning, to meaning everything.
Ice veins in dolerite. Pentax MX, Ektar 100.
There is a place for us that comes from the space between you and me.
Frozen dolerite guardian. Pentax MX, Ektar 100, July 2022.
If we pay close attention and take notice of the features of space, if we imbue it with meaning, then we can turn space into place, which we can both inhabit, whomever you or I may be.
Gateway. Pentax MX, Ektar 100, July 2022.
A.S. 1/9/22, Lenah Valley