The truth has a way of coming to light.
‘Frozen Throne’, Pentax MX, Ektar 100. July 2022.
In some cases the truth can remain hidden, but it comes at a great cost to the person who does the hiding.
‘Dawn, Mt Field West’. Pentax MX, Ektar 100. July 2022.
Truth does not assert itself; but it has a way of making itself known at the least convenient moment for the truth withholder. People can bend the truth, but it has a way of bending back towards its origin. If it’s been twisted, it returns to its original shape. And though it may return to its original state, the truth remembers. It remembers all the knots, twists and turns in itself, as it’s been retold, altered; coerced into moulds it was never meant for.
‘Wind patterns in snow’. Pentax MX, Ektar 100. July 2022.
The truth is not slippery, it is solid. It doesn’t change. It stays the same.
What we believe to be truth can change though. What we hold to be true is different among cultures and across the ages. The truth has always been the same, but our perception of it has certainly changed and is indeed changing in this very moment.
Truth is difficult to pin down, yet it is always there, present. Waiting to be found.
‘Stack of frozen boulders’. Pentax MX, Ektar 100. July 2022.
Truth; what a curious thing it is.
-A.S. 27/8/22 -Lenah Valley