“Sweetgrass is a teacher of healing, a symbol of kindness and compassion. She reminded me that it is not the land that has been broken, but our relationship to it.” - R.W. Kimmerer
Lake Gordon, hiding part of the Gordon River. Hasselblad 500CM, Cinstill 800, Nov 2024.
Pearly Rates
Start each day
With a clean slate,
No history has the power
to govern the present
although the illusion may appear strong
and our history certainly brings circumstances;
black teeth after too much red wine.
Yet each day appears clean and fresh;
The orange is cut, apples are sliced
and the juice runs clear into a jar.
The person you were before
no longer is you,
the habits you performed
need not be those which you now
come to do,
forget your past and simply be
grateful for all that you have:
humble, aware and benign
Face the here and the now.
-A.S. Geelong, Oct 2017
Morning mist on the Denison River. Hasselblad 500CM, Cinstill 800, Nov 2024.
Reflections on a dream
There are many who came before
and many who are yet to come
Our world is young and old
In more ways than one.
Like the arrow that’s been released
Flying through the air
Between the bow and target
I wonder where my head may land.
When my work is said and done
When the lights wane down
The day the darkness comes
Where will I be?
I hope among my family
In a home both good and warm
Surrounded by those I’ve loved,
The moon keeping our company.
A.S. -Poland, May 2017
Pebbles in the River, Tree Silhouette. (Double Exposure). Hasselblad 500CM, Cinstill 800, Nov 2024.
A haiku from Bialowieza
Stillness of the night
Broken by a lonely song,
Many join; it’s dawn.
-A.S. Bialowieza, May 2017.