“A reanimated world is one in which spirit and matter are not just equally regarded but recognized as mutually dependent. The great task of this late modern era is thus to bring together what the spiritual preoccupations of the old world and the material focus of the new world have torn apart. The psyche shows us this dependency whenever a person or group attempts to embrace one without the other, in the way the neglected side begins to rule the unconscious… But the earth process itself suggests we rediscover nature as spirit as well as understand it as matter — nature as presence, intelligence, and root source of inspiration and imagination… Both mind and earth are calling for perspectives capable of marrying these dimensions of reality.” - Carl Jung
Western Arthurs skyline, Pentax MX, 50mm, Portra 800. Feb 2024.
Misty morning in the Arthurs. Pentax MX, 50mm, Portra 800. Feb 2024.
Swirling mist. Pentax MX, 50mm, Portra 800. Feb 2024.