Spring, the time of year when the days catch up to the nights and eventually surpass them in length.
Spring flowers and poplar trees at dusk, Lenah Valley, Triple exposure, Hasselblad 500cm, Ektar 100. August 2022.
Spring, an elastic string that stores energy when stretched and returns to its original state when released.
Spring flowers in tree. Lenah Valley. Hasselblad 500cm, Ektar 100. August 2022.
Spring, a source of water, bubbling up from the Earth.
This photograph was actually taken in autumn. Central Highlands. Hasselblad 500cm, Ektar 100. May 2022.
Spring, to leap into action, to move forward suddenly.
Did someone just drop this big great boulder from the sky, and that’s why it cracked? Kunanyi, Hasselblad 500cm, Ektar 100, August 2022.
A.S. Lenah Valley 15/9/22.